April 30, 2014
Adaptive Reuse in Pakistan
Adaptive reuse is a new trend catching the attraction of many. The concept involves renovating an existing structure in order to be used for a completely different purpose. In the international world, adaptive reuse is done mainly for heritage infrastructures but it is not so in Pakistan. Here, houses are converted into commercial structures with the help of adaptive reuse. One of the biggest reasons why adaptive reuse is used so often is because it saves the hassle of constructing a new building or bringing down a previous one.
In order to turn the property into a commercial one, below are some of the guidelines you can follow:
- First, you must not bring down the useful elements in the structure such as marble tiles etc. This is going to help when keeping the renovation costs under check. Also, the personality of the infrastructure will not be lost.
- Second, you must make some investment to install eco-friendly elements such as solar panels and skylight. This will add value to the place.
- Third, use the option of false ceilings which have become the growing trend today. These will help you install low lighting systems which will help to make the room brighter.
- Fourth, you must avoid dividing the space available to you mainly because it will deprive you of the spacious infrastructure you have been awarded with.
- Fifth, you will need to change some of the façade of the building for it to reflect the purpose of the building it is going to be used for.
- Finally, you must treat any seepages and wiring that may be needed to repair.