May 19, 2016
Bahria Town Karachi Latest Prices (May, 19 2016)
Prices Given Below are of Bahria Town Karachi Successful Units (Including Token Amount) Installments are not included in it:
Residential Plots:
125 Square Yards / 5Marla:
- Un balloted: PKR 0.40 to 0.60 Lacs
- Precinct 10: PKR 6.00 to 8.00 Lacs
- Precinct 11: PKR 6.00 to 8.00 Lacs
- Precinct 14: PKR 9.00 to 15.00 Lacs
- Precinct 15: PKR 5.50 to 8.50 Lacs
- Precinct 23: PKR 1.00 to 2.50 Lacs
- Precinct 24: PKR 1.10 to 3.50 Lacs
- Precinct 25: PKR 1.50 to 3.00 Lacs
- Precinct 27: PKR 2.50 to 7.00 Lacs
- Precinct 28: PKR 2.00 to 6.00 Lacs
- Precinct 31: PKR 0.50 to 2.00 Lacs
Ali Block (125 Square Yards / 5Marla):
- Precinct 12: PKR -2.00 to 0.00 Lacs
250 Square Yards / 10 Marla:
- Un balloted: PKR 8.00 to 8.50 Lacs
- Precinct 1: PKR 30.00 to 40.00 Lacs (Own money / Premium)
- Precinct 6: PKR 20.00 to 40.00 Lacs
- Precinct 8: PKR 22.00 to 36.00 Lacs
- Precinct 12: PKR 14.00 to 20.00 Lacs
- Precinct 16: PKR 18.00 to 26.00 Lacs
- Precinct 21: PKR 8.00 to 12.00 Lacs
- Precinct 22: PKR 7.00 to 10.00 Lacs
- Precinct 30: PKR 6.00 to 10.00 Lacs
500 Square Yards / 1 Kanal:
- Un Balloted: PKR 10.00 to 10.50 Lacs
- Precinct 4: PKR 35.00 to 50.00 Lacs
- Precinct 9: PKR 30.00 to 45.00 Lacs
- Precinct 27-A: PKR 18.00 to 30.00 Lacs
- Precinct 29: PKR 14.00 to 25.00 Lacs
1000 Square Yards / 2 Kanal:
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Precinct 7: PKR 32.00 to 50.00 Lacs
- Precinct 17: PKR 55.00 to 75.00 Lacs
2000 Square Yards / 4 Kanal:
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Precinct 3:Not Available
Following are the Prices of Applications which are Submitted through Hoshang Pearl, Opal 225 and Bahria Town Icon
Commercial Plots:
- 125 Square Yards / 5 Marla: Not Available
- 200 Square Yards / 8 Marla: Not Available
- 250 Square Yards / 10 Marla: Not Available
Midway Commercial:
- 125 Square Yards / 5 Marla: PKR 1.00 to 1.50 Crores (Location Wise)
If you want to Buy/Sell Plot, Bungalowor Apartment in Bahria Town Karachi,feel free to Contact Eizy Estate at 0321-2000654 & 021-111 365 636 .
Bahria Homes:
125 Square Yards / 5Marla:
- Un balloted: PKR Not Available
- Precinct 11: PKR 28.00 to 36.00 Lacs
200 Square Yards / 8Marla:
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Precinct 10: PKR 40.00 to 50.00 Lacs
- Precinct 11: PKR 30.00 to 35.00 Lacs
- Precinct 27: PKR 28.00 to 34.00 Lacs
Bahria Homes Quaid Block:
200 Square Yards / 8 Marla: PKR 65.00 to 80.00 Lacs (Location Wise)
Bahria Apartments:
2 Bedroom (950 Square Feet):
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Balloted: PKR 14.00 to 24.00 Lacs (Location Wise)
3 Bedroom (2250 Square Feet):
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Balloted: Not Available
4 Bedroom (2950 Square Feet):
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Balloted: Not Available
Bahria Heights (2Bed Apartment)
- 2 Bed: PKR Not Available
Bahria Golf City:
500 Square Yards / 1 Kanal:
- Un balloted: PKR Not Available
- Balloted: PKR Not Available
1000 Square Yards / 2Kanal:
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Balloted: Not Available
2000 Square Yards / 4Kanal:
- Un balloted: Not Available
- Balloted: Not Available
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The above mentioned prices are extracted and provided by the Eizy Estate. Furthermore, these prices can change as a result of the market demand and supply. Prices can change in either way in the open market and there are no guarantees for any price variations.
Salaam All
I am looking to sell the following:
OVERSEAS BLOCK Plot – 250 Sq Yd Princint 1: OVERSEAS – Plot Number 879
Location is overlooking Main Bahria Town Gatehouse Entrance- near to Jinnah Avenue and Masjid.
For offers please email me on
Demand (Negotiable) plus 10 Installments
Rizwan Khan
Contact our Sales Consultant Osama Rauf 0321-2000654
what is update of precinct 16 250 sq yds plot 1008.
Precinct 4 500 Sq yds plot 467 overseas block.
Contact our Sales Consultant Osama Rauf 0321-2000654
No price update since May 19, 2016??
We would appreciate if the prices are update more regularly.
i have a general plot of 500 yd In golf city.
what u advise:
1- sell it
2- hold it
3- try selling it and buying a golf facing plot with additional paymentand how much is price of golf facing plot?
Asslam o alaikum,
What are the current prices of:
1- villa 200 (IHO) – Precint 11 A & unit 241
2- golf city 500 – Street 51 & Unit 42
Please update new rates
Please update prices on daily basis as lot of New activity happening in BTK market
We will update the prices soon.
what is update of precinct 26 125 sq yds have not listed the update about this catgory?
Sir thank you for your comment, we will add it in the next rate update.
I m interested to buy 500 sq plot so what is the process .plz reply me as soon as possible .thanks
Contact our Sales Consultant Osama Rauf 0321-2000654
Prices seems to jumped up in May.
Interesting thing is minimum and maximum prices range is very high in some precincts.
Like in P6. My question is still any plot available at 20 lacs own in P6??
On the other hand some plots being traded at even higher own than you mentioned.Like a friend of mine got an offer of 11 lacs of 125 sq yd in P15.
I think your website reflects the most true picture of market prices compared to others but above are few comments from very limited knowledge.
I would appreciate if you clear these ambiguity.
Contact our Sales Consultant Osama Rauf 0321-2000654 for more details.
Bahria staff engaged in giving numbers to unballotted plots by taking money off the record. Why Bahria not doing balloting.
Why don’t you add princent 17 for 500 category. I mean in price list.
Sir thank you for your comment, we will add it in the next rate update.
On on plot no 1592 in Princet 28
Contact our Sales Consultant Osama Rauf 0321-2000654
200-240 Sq. Yds. Bunglow
200-240 Sq.Yds. Bunglow