October 20, 2014

Bahria Town Wins 11th Annual Environment Excellence Award, 2014

Link to this post - https://www.property365.pk/?p=2233

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Bahria Town (Pvt) Ltd has been honored for its outstanding performance in Environmental, Health & Safety in the sector of “Housing and Development” by the National Forum for Health (NFEH). The NFEH is the nation’s leading, non-governmental organization that empowers its members to increase their environmental efficiencies while improving Health and Safety through the best practices. The NFEH is affiliated with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), which operates in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment (MOE), and Ministry of Environment, Sindh.
“Your Environmental friendly Lifestyle Destination”: Bahria Town is deeply committed to environmental sustainability in the area of “Housing & Development” and is proud to be named one of the top 10 out of 86 nominations in the country in this work. The Environmental Excellence Award is a testament of the fact that Bahria Town is a responsible custodian of environment and its valuable resources.

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