September 9, 2015
Balloting Of BTK Project On 11th September 2015
Bahria Town management is pleased to announce balloting of BTK project on Friday, 11th September 2015 after Jummah Prayer.
Letter having Plot/ Home/ Appartment number to successful customers will be couriered at their mailing address soon after balloting.
If you want to Buy/Sell Plot, Bungalow or Apartment in Bahria Town Karachi, Contact 0321-2000654 & 021-111 365 636 .
where from we can get results of balloting ?
there are many candidate who declared as UN-SUCCESFUL in recent balloting done by BAhria town but interestingly they all are paying their installment regularly on time. Bahria town saying that only 50% balloting has been carried out and unsuccessful customers will be consider in phase-2 balloting. But if you see the master plan these 50% covered all the area of Bahria town Karachi, so where they are going to place the rest whom they already took the money ???? If Bahria thinking to a lot plots at remote areas then they must be ready to see the reaction of customers who are paying them regular installment they paid for provided master plan of Karachi Bahria not to take plots in JAMSHORO.
What is the impact of residential plot rates after september 11 2015 balloting.
I got the ballot Result letter from Bahria town.
would you tell me where is precinct-26?
Today I receive a letter of allotment of plot residential 125 sq. yard category.
would you please provide me information regarding BTK BALOTING,
We did not get any news from Bahria Town management. Can you provide any update on this.
Or, was this all a hoax!! No ballotting and no allotment of plots. So why all this fuss? Oh maybe it was a publicity stunt.
What is the status balloting?
At last, hope it will be done now.